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Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Transition To Year 7

Year 6 is a very important time for the children and one of our aims at Meadowside School is to prepare them for the next stage in their school career. The move from Year 6 to Year 7 can be daunting but also very exciting and we work alongside the local secondary school to make this transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.

The main secondary school that we feed to is:

King James’s School (KJS)

Click here for further information about King James’s School

The process starts at the beginning of Year 6 when KJS visit the children to explain the types of changes they can expect and all the opportunities that will be on offer. 

The Year 6 teachers liaise closely with KJS to create a profile of assessment data and transition needs for each child. KJS send a representative member of staff to meet the children and discuss with them what their new school will be like.

During the summer term all Year 6 children attend their prospective secondary schools for a Transition Day where they meet their form tutors and take part in lessons.

During Year 6, the children are also involved in different activities led by KJS, which help in the transition process e.g. drama, workshops and sports events.

How do I apply?

When your child begins Year 6, you will automatically be sent the application forms for secondary school, which need to be returned by the 31st October. It is very important that the forms are completed and returned as soon as possible. 

Click here for further information    :


KJS normally hold an official Open Evening at the start of the autumn term.  This is an opportunity for parents and children to have a good look around the school and see what is on offer.

Children with Special Educational Needs

If your child has special educational needs we strongly urge parents to consider secondary school transition when your child is in Year 5. It is vital that parents visit KJS earlier than normal and meet with the special needs coordinator in order to judge the school’s ability to cater for their very special child. Staff at Meadowside School, including the Head Teacher, will offer support to parents. Our Parent Support Adviser is also on hand to give impartial advice. In certain circumstances she is able to accompany parents when they visit secondary schools for the very first time.