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Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Our Curriculum Vision: is designed to nurture and inspire children’s curiosity by supporting them in becoming ambitious learners in our school community, Knaresborough, and the wider world. 

 Meadowside Academy Curriculum.docxDownload
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 Curriculum Subject Vision Statements (2).docxDownload
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Core Subjects – Maths, English and Science

Our Maths curriculum uses a mastery approach, based on the White Rose scheme of learning. Early Bird Maths across the school helps to ensure that our children have a strong understanding of mathematical concepts, and retain their previous learning. All children access a balance of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving style questions. Manipulatives are used across the school to support children in their conceptual understanding.

High Quality Texts are at the heart of our curriculum. Writing lessons are inspired by these high-quality texts, and follows a collect, connect, create cycle. The texts chosen often link to our science, humanities or Big Idea topics. In the Collect phase, children enjoy reading the high-quality text, collecting vocabulary, and picking out features of the text type. In the Connect phase, the children discover and practice the key grammar, punctuation and literary devices they will need for their own piece of work. In the Create phase, children plan, draft, edit and publish their own piece of writing, inspired by the high-quality text.

We use the Little Wandle phonics scheme in KS1, as well as the Big Cat reading scheme, which is phonetically decodable. Children in KS2 who are still struggling with literacy are able to access rapid catch-up phonics interventions. Word Power spelling sessions occur daily in KS2, using the Purple Mash spelling scheme.

Reading for Pleasure is highly important to us at Meadowside. Children are given the opportunity to read books daily, and visit the school library regularly. Book Club in KS2 means that all children read and discuss high quality, interesting texts regularly. All teachers read to their classes at the end of the school day.

We use the Elevate Trust Curriculum progression documents for Science to guide our learning., as well as the White Rose scheme of work. Children are regularly given practical investigative opportunities, and taught how to plan, evaluate and report on an investigation. Wherever possible, cross curricular and outdoor learning opportunities are maximised. Science is taught weekly.


The Elevate Trust Curriculum

We use the Elevate Trust Curriculum documents for the following subjects; Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Music, French, Computing and PE. These give us clearly sequenced progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Our subject leaders have taken these progression documents and used them to create our exciting curriculum, as found in the Long-Term Plan.

As well as the Elevate Curriculum, teachers are also supported by the use of high-quality resources and schemes. These are not used ‘off-the-shelf’, but instead adapted by subject leads and teachers to best suit the children being taught.

We use the following schemes:

  • Music – Charanga
  • DT – Kapow
  • Art – Access Art
  • Computing – Purple Mash
  • French – North Yorkshire Scheme
  • PE – supported by specialist coaches.

Religious Education

Religious education is taught in week long blocks at the beginning of each half-term. We follow the North Yorkshire RE scheme. RE themes are linked across year groups, and RE weeks start with their own launches and landings. We have close links with our local churches, and children are able to visit other places of worship during their time at Meadowside.


We follow the Jigsaw scheme for our PSHE and RSE lessons. Jigsaw learning is strengthened through whole school assemblies and celebrations. Learning in PSHE is shared with parents termly through class newsletters.

Forest School and Outdoor Learning

We are very lucky to have a wonderful outdoor space. Outdoor learning opportunities are maximised in all subjects. Each year, all children experience a half-term block of Forest School, led by a specialist teacher. Children in Year 5 and 6 also experience outdoor activities on their residentials.


Ongoing comprehensive teacher assessment of children’s learning in all subjects ensure key milestones are reached. Teacher assessment is used to inform planning and the implementation of KUNCU strategies. In Maths and Reading, PUMA and PIRA assessments are used from Year 1 to give teachers a clear and accurate picture of strengths and areas to develop. Writing, science and foundation subjects are assessed through teacher assessment, kept on the data tracking system INSIGHT. For some children who are working below key stage level, PIVATS and pre key-stage standards are used to track progress. Teachers work hard to adapt their lessons so that every child can access the curriculum, and be supported and challenged in their learning.

Documents to support our curriculum flow chart:

Curriculum Jigsaw EYFS    Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Meadowside Shared Vocabulary