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Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Bewerley Park Residential- Year 5- October 2022

It was an absolute pleasure for Miss. Corkhill, Miss. Brown, Miss. Cotton, Miss. Gale and Mr. Smith to accompany Year 5 on their residential visit to Bewerley Park from Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th October 2022. All staff members were blown away with displays of kindness, high levels of organisation and outstanding levels of resilience as everyone faced their fears and new challenges head-on!
Highlights were visiting Brimham Rocks and seeing the most resilient Oak tree ever to live (in our opinions!) along with visiting Sykes Woods and exploring the amazing 'Viking Tree' whilst on our Treasure Quest. 
Fantastic memories were made and everyone left wanting more, including many wanting to take their families back to share in the amazing locations we were able to experience. 

Kind regards,


Miss. H. Corkhill 

Assistant Headteacher