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Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Art and Design - Our Vision

Children at Meadowside will have opportunities to develop practical expertise as well as engaging their imagination and having the chance to be creative. To be creative children will develop skills and have self-directed time and resources to explore these skills. We want our children to become reflective thinkers, evaluating theirs and others’ artwork and exploring ways to improve it. Children at Meadowside will learn that Art and crafts throughout time have been used as a tool for expression and representation, a record of History and an exploration of human endeavour.


To develop practical expertise as well as engaging their imagination and having the chance to be creative.  

To be creative children will develop skills, and have self-directed time and resources to explore these skills.  

To become reflective thinkers, evaluating theirs and others’ art work and exploring ways to improve it.  

To know Art and crafts throughout time have been used as a tool for expression and representation, a record of History and an exploration of human endeavour. 


Here is the progression document used by teachers in school to track progression in the key elements of mark making, colour, sculpture, textiles and print.

Access Art Progression Document

Please see the Art subject guide below, which shows the long term plan and progression of knowledge and skills.


 Art Subject Guide 2023-2024.docxDownload
 AccessArt Vocabulary Document.docxDownload
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